BRAINARTIST: Pressewand mit Motiven und Eckdaten des SCHÖN HIER FESTIVALs 2022 in Eltville am Rhein

‘SCHÖN HIER’ festival 2022 in Eltville, Germany

In 2022, after a 2-year break from Corona, we finally contributed again to making the Rheingau region a nicer, in German ‘schöner’, place to be and linger.

The ‘SCHÖN HIER’ festival is a two-day cultural event at which over 200 artists from the genres of music as well as performing and visual arts of the Rheingau’s cultural network present their passion in diverse locations. According to the motto ‘It’s served … a bit of everything, please!’, festival guests can explore the cultural diversity of the region and, along the way, feast at numerous stalls and taste Rheingau wines. A real treat for young and old.

This year, the logo, key visual and design of the communication media for the ‘SCHÖN HIER’ festival were once again created by us. Each year, the key visual is tailored to the host location and contains some of its characteristics that want to be discovered. In addition to the well-known Electoral Castle, St. Peter and Paul, Johannes Gutenberg, the Biedermeier Association, the Witches of Erbach (a popular carnival club) and even the ‘Martinsthaler Wildsau’ (the ‘Martinsthal Boar’, originally the name of a vineyard site in the suburb of Martinsthal) are among the characters for #Eltville. As Eltville ist awarded an official #Rosenstadt (city of roses), roses adorn the collage, which is arranged like a bound bouquet of flowers as a tribute.

In addition to classic flyers and programme folders, we also took on the production of banners, backdrop / press walls, posters, beach flags and signs to identify the individual venues from afar. Later, deep into the planning, we were also able to support the organisers below-the-line with countless pictures of the musicians, artists and locations, in-house produced videos, graphics and collages, and with the support of the social media channels and website.

Again, we think it was really ‘schön’ and are already looking forward to next year’s #schönhierfestival.

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