The German Brand Award 2020 is ours!
When in 2018 one of the most famous German brands placed a small, rather unlikely prize-winning job with us, we couldn’t stop thinking about it:
We suddenly thought of interactive packaging design, new visual worlds, the redesign of all communication media, a completely redesigned (and patented) POS shelf system and finally (because we like to think ahead where others like to stop) a guide for CRM and a whole new corporate wording.
Phew … Of course we had to share these thoughts with HAILO. The holistic approach was obviously so convincing that what began with a sales folder led directly to a kick-off meeting for one of our biggest and most beautiful projects: the strategic brand relaunch of HAILO (and the beginning of a wonderful friendship).
In the category ‘Brand Strategy/Brand Identity’ we received the award from the German Design Council. We bow down.
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